Well Led - Flourish

Well Led

Well led is an adult social care leadership programme aimed at new and existing care leaders who are wanting to deliver care in line with the expectations of a CQC well led service. 

Well led leadership training for adult social care leaders

Well led is an adult social care leadership development programme, created by Skills for Care, for both new and experienced managers of adult social care services. It was developed in partnership with managers who are familiar with the day-to-day challenges of leading a care team and will help individuals to develop their leadership and management potential, gain knowledge and be supported and challenged to put this into practice.

This practical leadership development programme was designed to enable leaders to deliver care in line with the expectations of a well led service, providing an opportunity to share and learn together with other service managers.

Well Led programmes are fully fundable using the Adult Social Care Learning and Development Support Scheme (LDSS)

Start Dates

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Have another date in mind?

Talk to our team about booking a session for your care organisation.

What does this programme include?

Webinar training with expert tutor

Take part in engaging, interactive sessions with an expert adult social care tutor. Interact with other care leaders to share insights during group discussions.

Programme resources

Get access to all our programme resources to use to further your learning during the programme.

Completion certificate

You'll receive a Flourish digital certificate to recognise your achievement and evidence it as part of your learning and development pathway.

What are the Well Led modules?

Discover what you will learn from our expert trainers in the Well Led programme over the four sessions of the training.

  • Define leadership and differentiate between leadership and management
  • Identify behaviours and qualities necessary to achieve effective leadership in adult social care settings
  • Explain resilience in the context of social care and be able to identify techniques and strategies to boost resilience
  • Identify your own leadership qualities, your strengths and areas for development
  • Be able to explain what a successful service looks and feels like
  • Be able to identify key leadership theories and concepts on leading success
  • Be able to justify the importance of vision, values, capability, and evidence in relation to building success
  • Have experience of engaging in coaching conversations to identify priorities for action
  • Have developed a commitment to action plan
  • Identify the characteristics of high-performing teams
  • Integrate strategies and insights into your practice to nurture and lead high-performing teams
  • Assess your own emotional intelligence and identify areas for further development
  • Identify techniques to implement in your own team to reduce dysfunction
  • Use the GROW model to have courageous conversations
  • Develop a clear understanding of what well-led looks like in a care setting
  • Develop clear goals and a commitment to improve your personal leadership effectiveness
  • Learn from the experience of others by working in a range of collaborative learning activities and networking opportunities
  • Develop a clear understanding of how leadership strategies and techniques can be used to transform services and improve the quality of care
  • Develop the confidence and skills necessary to lead services in an increasingly complex and challenging context

What programmes are available?

Choose from three expert-led leadership programmes as part of Click Academy. Support the development of your own, and your teams', leadership skills in social care.

Click Academy

Lead to Succeed

Lead to Succeed is a five day leadership course. The programme was developed by Skills for Care in response to an identified need to up-skill existing managers and provide a pathway to develop aspiring managers in adult social care.

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Click Academy

Well Led

Well Led is a four day programme created by Skills for Care, providing opportunities to explore real life issues and challenges. It also includes practical examples, specific to adult social care of what well led looks like in a “good” or “outstanding” service.

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Click Academy

Leading Change Improving Care 

Leading Change Improving Care (LCIC) is a management programme that is designed to help Health and Social Care professionals to implement change within their organisation.

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