Refer a care provider to Click Shifts and get a reward.
Do you know a care provider who could use Click Shifts to hire temporary staff? Let us know!
Earn up to £250 for referring a Care Provider!
If you know or work for a care provider who struggles to fill their short-term shifts and need local, vetted, reliable care workers to help out, send them our way and you could bag yourself up to £250 once they’ve booked their first few shifts with us as a thank you.
Read the full T&Cs here.

How it works...
Refer a Care Provider:
If you're a registered care worker with us, refer a care provider who isn't already using Click Shifts.Reward:
You'll receive up to £250 once the care provider you referred books 4 full shifts with us.No Limit:
You can refer as many care providers as you like and earn rewards for each successful referral!
Refer a provider below...
Fill in the form below and our team will contact the provider to sign-up. If they use the platform according to the terms and conditions we will confirm your referral fee.