Course overview of Communicating With Children & Young People
This Communicating With Children And Young People course is your first step in becoming skilled in this specialist area. Moreover, when children feel that they are listened to and that their feelings are valued, they are able to develop a stronger relationship with social workers, foster carers and educators.
Furthermore, listening to children’s feelings and needs helps professionals to give effective support and make better decisions about their care. Therefore, because children may not always find it easy to talk about worries or difficult feelings, it is important to observe how children behave. As well as what remains unsaid and what they do say.
In addition to this, the course covers non-verbal communication, as well as verbal communication. Furthermore it offers advice on listening to children and young people, along with important confidentiality and recording procedures.
Course content
This course will cover:
- The importance of good communication
- Communication considerations
- Your role in communication
- What's in a question?
- How you can help

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Aims of Communicating With Children & Young People course
By the end of the training, you will:
- Understand how to communicate effectively with children
- Identify key skills required to communicate competently with children
- Know how to use open questions
- Describe appropriate responses to enable children to expand on their communication
- Describe a range of appropriate responses to a child who has difficulty in communicating their feelings
- Explain how to use different communication media
- Know about the principles in recording communication with children
- Identify key principles in recording communication with children
- Explain the reasons for, and limits of, confidentiality
- Explain the importance of applying policies and procedures around confidentiality and information sharing
- Identify appropriate ways of recording and sharing information
What audience is this online course suitable for?
This Communicating with Children and Young People course is for people who want to know more about how to communicate effectively with children and young people.