Person-centred Care Course

Complete our Person-centred Care online course. As one person you cannot change the world but you can change the world for the individuals you work with.

45 Minutes

This course is included in this bundle:

Course overview of Person-centred Care

As one person you cannot change the world but you can change the world for the individuals you work with.

This Person-centred Care online training course looks at the values underpinning social care work that promote wellbeing. We challenge your thinking and share ways you can provide care and support that considers the different needs of individuals. We understand the significance of providing person-centred care while preserving individual rights and upholding dignity in caregiving.

This course forms part of the online care certificate. Complete the care certificate with Grey Matter Learning as part of our course offering.

Course content

  • Describe how to put person-centred values into practice in your day-to-day work
  • Describe why it is important to work in a way that promotes person centred values when providing support to individuals
  • List ways to promote dignity in your day-to-day work
  • Describe the importance of finding out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual
  • Explain why the changing needs of an individual must be reflected in their care and/or support plan
  • Explain the importance of supporting individuals to plan for their future wellbeing and fulfilment, including end-of-life care
  • Take appropriate steps to remove or minimise the environmental factors causing the discomfort or distress.
  • Report any concerns you have to the relevant person
  • Make others aware of any actions they may be undertaking that are causing discomfort or distress to individuals. Raise any concerns directly with the individual concerned, your manager and via other channels and systems
  • Check where individuals have restricted movement or mobility that they are comfortable
  • Recognise the signs that an individual is in pain or discomfort. This could include - Non-verbal communication
  • Take appropriate action where there is pain or discomfort. This could include - reporting to a more senior member of staff
  • Remove or minimise any environmental factors causing pain or discomfort. These could include - wet or soiled clothing or bed linen
  • Explain how individual identity and self-esteem are linked to emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Demonstrate that your own attitudes and behaviours promote emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Support and encourage individuals own sense if identity and self-esteem
  • Report any concerns about the individual's emotional and spiritual wellbeing to the appropriate person. This could include - Family member
  • Demonstrate that your actions promote person centred values including: individuality
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Aims of Person-centred Care course

At the end of this training course you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of person-centred values and how to work in a person-centred way
  • Understand the importance of finding out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of individuals
  • Have an awareness of an individual’s immediate environment and make changes to address factors that may be causing distress
  • Know how and when to raise concerns about anything that is causing discomfort or distress to individuals
  • Support individuals to minimise pain or discomfort
  • Support individuals to maintain their identity and self- esteem

What audience is this online course suitable for?

This online training course has been designed specifically for Care and Support Workers working in a social care setting. It may also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to know more about Person-centred Care values.