Safeguarding Adults Course

This Safeguarding Adults training aims to help you understand what harm and abuse might look like and how to challenge any concerns you have.

60 Minutes

This course is included in this bundle:

Course overview of Safeguarding Adults

The Safeguarding Adults course aims to equip participants with the necessary expertise to effectively safeguard and empower vulnerable adults. In addition, you will gain insights into recognising signs of abuse. Whilst also understanding effective reporting mechanisms, and implementing best practices for intervention.

Moreover, participants will actively engage with crucial topics. Including identifying indicators of abuse and learning how to respond to them appropriately. Furthermore, learners will be better prepared to address instances of harm or mistreatment that may arise in their professional roles.

Also, in roles where you work closely with vulnerable adults, individuals often find themselves in a prime position to notice signs of abuse or receive disclosures of harm. Additionally, this course emphasises the importance of understanding what constitutes harm and abuse. While also providing guidance on how to appropriately challenge and address any concerns that arise.

Furthermore, as part of our Safeguarding Adults training course offering, it contributes to the online care certificate. Completing the care certificate with Flourish not only enhances learners' skills in safeguarding, it also strengthens their overall competency in providing quality care to vulnerable populations. Empower yourself to make a positive difference in the lives of those you serve by completing this course.

Course content

  • Explain the term Safeguarding Adults
  • Explain your own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals
  • List the main types of abuse
  • Describe what constitutes harm
  • Explain why an individual may be vulnerable to harm or abuse
  • Describe what constitutes restrictive practices
  • List the possible indicators of abuse
  • Describe the nature and scope of harm to, and abuse of, adults at risk
  • List a range of factors which have featured in adult abuse and neglect
  • Demonstrate the importance of ensuring individuals are treated with dignity and respect when providing health and care services
  • Describe where to get information and advice about your role and responsibilities in preventing and protecting individuals from harm and abuse
  • Describe how care environments can promote or undermine people's dignity and rights
  • Explain the importance of individualised, person-centred care
  • Explain how to apply the basic principles of helping people to keep themselves safe
  • Explain the local arrangements for the implementation of multi-agency Safeguarding Adult's policies and procedures
  • List ways in which the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by managing risk and focusing on prevention
  • Explain how a clear complaints procedure can reduce the likelihood of abuse
  • Explain what to do if abuse of an adult is suspected; including how to raise concerns within local whistleblowing policy procedures
  • List relevant legislation, local and national policies and procedures which relate to Safeguarding Adults
  • Explain the importance of sharing information with the relevant agencies
  • Describe the actions to take if you experience barriers in alerting or referring to relevant agencies
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Aims of Safeguarding Adults course

At the end of this online training, you will:

  • Understand the principles of Safeguarding Adults
  • Understand what constitutes harm and abuse
  • Reduce the likelihood of abuse
  • Respond to suspected or disclosed abuse
  • Protect people from harm and abuse

What audience is this online course suitable for?

This Safeguarding Adults training is specifically for Care and Support Workers in social care settings. Although, it may also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to know more about Safeguarding Adults.