Safeguarding And Child Protection Skills Course

This Safeguarding and Child Protection course enables learners to understand child protection and what to do if they suspect a child or young person is being harmed.

4 hours

This course is included in this bundle:

Course overview of Safeguarding And Child Protection Skills

This Safeguarding and Child Protection training course will provide a comprehensive understanding of child protection. Furthermore, it will focus on how to recognise signs of potential harm to a child or young person. However, it will also provides clear guidance on the appropriate steps to take in such circumstances.

Moreover, it aims to encourage self-reflection on each individual's role in safeguarding children. This will help to understand the importance of effective collaboration with other agencies.

The Children Acts of 1989 and 2004 impose a legal obligation on organisations working with young people to prioritise child safeguarding within their local area. Furthermore, local authorities play a crucial role in coordinating safeguarding efforts. In addition to this, they emphasis that protecting children from harm requires collective responsibility. However, every individual who interacts with children and families holds a significant duty to contribute to safeguarding initiatives.

Furthermore, this Safeguarding and Child Protection course highlights the statutory requirements outlined in government guidance. You can access this here - "Working Together to Safeguard Children."

With the critical nature of child protection, gaining the relevant skills is essential for professionals directly involved in safeguarding duties. However, the course will benefit anyone that works closely with children. This highlights the universal importance of safeguarding practices in various contexts.

Course content

This course will cover:

  • The social and legal context of child protection
  • Why children need protecting
  • What constitutes child abuse
  • Types of abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Duties and responsibilities
  • Child protection referral
  • Working together to safeguard children 2018
  • Responding to a disclosure
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Aims of Safeguarding And Child Protection Skills course

By the end of the training, you will:

  • Be able to recognise signs and indicators that a child or young person may be being abused
  • Be familiar with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Process
  • Understand your own role in working together to safeguard children
  • Understand how to work with other agencies
  • Understand your organisation's responsibilities in Safeguarding and Child Protection

What audience is this online course suitable for?

This Safeguarding & Child Protection course has been designed specifically for people who want to know more about Safeguarding and Child Protection.

The training course will benefit people working in Children's Services. However, it will also be useful to a wider audience of people. This can include people who would like to know more about safeguarding young people.

We can deliver this course either: online, as a webinar, or as a face-to-face programme. However, if you have your own LMS and would like this course as a SCORM file, please get in touch.