Transitions: Changing Placements Course

The Transitions: Changing Placements course is written to assist foster carers better prepare children and young people, to move back to birth family or residential care or to another foster home, as seamlessly as possible.

1.5 hours

This course is included in this bundle:

Course overview of Transitions: Changing Placements

The course is written to assist foster carers better prepare children and young people, to move back to birth family or residential care or to another foster home, as seamlessly as possible. It considers the practical, emotional, mental and physical health and other needs of all involved in helping the child or young person to move on.

Resilient children grow stronger through every transition in life. However vulnerable children and young people can find transitions painful or even traumatic. This course provides learners with understanding and tools to enable children and young people to build resilience and make successful transitions.

Course content

This course will cover:

  • Why child move placements
  • Placement breakdown
  • Placement stability
  • When can happen if a child returns home
  • How you can help
  • Real world case studies and exercises
  • The carer experience
  • How to help your family when a placement ends
  • Case studies and reflection
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Aims of Transitions: Changing Placements course

By the end of this training, you will:

  • Know how to prepare children and young people to move on in a way which meets their individual needs
  • Understand the practical, emotional, mental and physical health and other needs of all involved in helping the child or young person to move on
  • Know what support is available for carers during and after the transition period

What audience is this online course suitable for?

This course looks at transitions when children change placements. Whilst it provides focus for people working in Children's Services, it will also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to understand how to support children through the transition.

We can deliver this course either: online, as a webinar, or as a face-to-face programme. If you have your own LMS and would like this course as a SCORM file, please get in touch.