Adult Social Care Leadership Training - Flourish

Leadership training for adult social care

Our leadership training courses for Health and Social Care are created by Skills for Care. All programmes are fully fundable using the Learning and Development Support Scheme (LDSS)

Leadership training for adult social care

High-quality care and skilled, confident leaders and managers go hand in hand. Over 90% of services rated good or outstanding for being well-led by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were also rated good or outstanding overall.

Our Skills for Care created courses, Well Led, Lead to Succeed, and LCIC, support the development of leadership skills in social care.

Whether you’re a leader looking to develop your own skills or are planning the development of future leaders in your organisation, our expert-led programmes can help you achieve that.

Start Dates

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Well Led
Lead to Succeed
Lead to Succeed
Well Led
Lead to Succeed
Well Led

Have another date in mind?

Talk to our team about booking a session for your care organisation.

What programmes are available?

Choose from three expert-led leadership programmes as part of Click Academy. Support the development of your own, and your teams', leadership skills in social care.

Click Academy

Lead to Succeed

Lead to Succeed is a five day leadership course. The programme was developed by Skills for Care in response to an identified need to up-skill existing managers and provide a pathway to develop aspiring managers in adult social care.

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Click Academy

Well Led

Well Led is a four day programme created by Skills for Care, providing opportunities to explore real life issues and challenges. It also includes practical examples, specific to adult social care of what well led looks like in a “good” or “outstanding” service.

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Click Academy

Leading Change Improving Care 

Leading Change Improving Care (LCIC) is a management programme that is designed to help Health and Social Care professionals to implement change within their organisation.

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